Suvi -sign language dictionary Suvi is a Finnish sign language web dictionary, which compiles some of the most important signs for everyday life.
Signwiki The SignWiki website for the Finnish and Finnish-Swedish sign languages was created as a cooperation of the Finnish Association of the Deaf, University of Applied Sciences (Humak) and SHH, the Communication Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Iceland.
Signgirls Hit songs as signed by two sign language teachers on Youtube.
Viito-application Papunet images of signs for a mobile application (maemo5, iOS)
Children’s sign language dictionary A web site aimed at children containing signs sorted by subject matter.
Children’s sign language dictionary 2 A web site aimed at children containing signs sorted by alphabet.
The Animal book in Papunet Videos and images of animal signs.
Curriculum School subjects in signs
Cooking Signs related to eating and cooking
ASL (American Sign Language) Resources for learning ASL
Signed television
Pikku Kakkonen: Maltti and Valtti
Kirjastokaista: Signed story hour
Papunet: The Emperor’s New Clothes
Viivi: Hölmöläistarinoita (Similar to the Wise Men of Gotham)