The purpose of hearing rehabilitation is make sure that the child’s speech and language development are as normal as possible. Nowadays serious hearing loss is usually discovered during a newborn hearing screening. A final diagnosis requires a prolonged series of tests using several examination methods.
Hearing aids are the most common first step in hearing rehabilitation. If hearing aids do not provide enough hearing for speech development, a child may be offered a cochlear implant. The current standard practice is to work towards functional hearing in both ears, so a cochlear implant may be installed on both sides. A good working partnership between the rehabilitative staff, family, school and the rest of the people in the child’s life is necessary for rehabilitation to work.
Source: A. Hyvärinen, A. Dietz ja H. Löppönen. Lasten kuulonkuntoutuksen polku. Lääketieteellinen Aikakausikirja Duodecim. 8/2011